Friday, June 4, 2010

Dragon*Con 2010 In The Works

So, COP and I have taken on an impressive list for D*C this year. It is ALL from either Firefly or Serenity. Prior to this summer, COP had only seen Serenity, but she took the plunge and recently bought the season (the lonely only! *sob*) of Firefly. She has gotten Mr. COP into watching it with her - to the point where he had to be gone this weekend, and he told her not to watch any more episodes without him, LOL - and both agree it was a crime and a black mark against Fox for the cancellation. Boo. Hisssss.

COP is going for a Zoey, in dark trousers and a blue shirt, with the awesome vest, which we are making. As well, she is beefing up the Jayne, doing an Inara in her gold and red velvet patterned robe with red slinky underneath, and River in the pink ruffled skirt/dress with the fuchsia sweater. To my surprise, COP said she saw no problem with knitting said sweater, frayed sleeves and hem and all. Go COP! I will say, we will probably solicit a little help from our Knitting Wiz. Just to make it better.

For myself, I am going for Kaylee in the Serenity pilot when she meets Book, Inara's Jaynestown dress, Inara's Gold Shawl outfit from the scene at Haven in Serenity, a beefed up Jayne, and the pink ruffled River outfit.

This happens to us a lot. We choose the same outfits. However, there are 5 days of costuming opportunities at D*C, so we can just insure there is no overlap, LOL.

We will keep you updated with the progress of the costumes. Any suggestions for improving accuracy appreciated, as we are both detail people.

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